Think of it as the U.S. Olympic Team of muzzle-loading competition.
Our goal is to develop a cadre of top muzzle-loading competitors to represent the United States in international competition organized under the Muzzle Loading Associations International Confederation (formerly Committee). Composed of 34 member and affiliated countries, the MLAIC draws as many as 450 shooters to World matches. The World Muzzle Loading Championships, held since 1972, are the highest level of target shooting with muzzle-loading arms.

Competitions for individuals and teams are divided into two broad classes, short-range and long-range.
Short-range matches include those for rifled and smooth bore pistols, rifled and smooth bore long arms, and shotguns. Guns include original and reproductions of matchlocks, flintlocks, and percussion locks. Originals and reproductions shoot in separate classes. Most matches are shot on the International 25/50 meter B17 target, and include 100 meter distances for rifled long arms on the same targets. Short-range world competitions are held in even-numbered years. In odd-numbered years, short-range zone matches are organized as postal events with teams shooting in their home countries. The U.S. is in the Pacific Zone, which also includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, India, Japan, New Zealand, South Africa, and Venezuela.

The Long-Range Team shoots from 300 to 1000 yards in the U.S. and 300 to 900 meters on metric ranges. Depending on match organization and yard or meter ranges, courses of fire can include 300, 500, 600, 800, 900 meters/yards, and 1000 yards. Long-range world competitions are held in odd-numbered years. The Long-Range Team currently holds a yearly National match at the Ben Avery Range in Phoenix, Arizona. Long-range percussion rifles are used exclusively, and include arms typically developed in the U.S. and Great Britain in the latter half of the 19th Century.

Yes. Women shoot as well, and well!

How do I join? How do I tryout?
The USIMLT was formed in 1976 to field a team at the World Championships and drew upon the National Rifle Association, the North-South Skirmish Association and the National Muzzle Loading Rifle Association. Each had active muzzle-loading programs and some very accomplished shooters – and some of the best were members of more than one group. Because no American organization specialized in the International style of competition the USIMLT was formed as an independent organization.
Being able to select and develop competitors from the whole spectrum of American muzzle-loading has proven to be highly successful, as the USIMLT has been one of the strongest teams in international competition.
The future could include you! If your goal is to become a world-class competitive shooter, the USIMLT is for you.
To get a broader understanding of the various kinds of events that are offered in international matches, we strongly suggest you visit the website of the Muzzle Loaders Associations International Confederation at www.MLAIC.org. On the Home Page horizontal menu select the “Black Powder Shooting” drop-down menu and click on “Disciplines”.
You can reach us on the “Contact Us” page. Be sure to include your email address, and a phone number and time when it is convenient to speak with you. We will get back to you shortly.

Eugene Kinnel, Chairman
Frank Kapper, Vice Chairman
Curt Brandt, Treasurer
Loraine Henley, Secretary
Team Captains and Team Officers
Short-Range: Bob Peloquin, Captain; Bob Lineaweaver, Pistol Lieutenant; Mark Pafford, Long Arms Lieutenant.
Long-Range: Lee Shaver, Captain
Juniors! The Future of Our Sport.

This is the Sellaro family: top right, Mark, his son Sam to the left and Mark’s grandsons, Dominic, age 11 (left), and Antonio age 9 (right). They are a close family and accomplished shotguners. In the 2019 Short-Range Zone Championship Sam took a first and his father Mark, a second in the reproduction flintlock shotgun match. In the repro percussion match, Sam took another first place, while Mark took a team medal in the percussion shotgun match. The boys shot in a junior’s percussion match. Dominic took a second, and Antonio a third.