Q: Where can I find the complete listing of current MLAIC Rules?
A: Click here.
Q: How many different individual events are available at MLAIC Championships?
A: For the Short-Range discipline there are a total of 18 events: 10 for long arms, 6 for pistols and 2 for shotguns. But then most of those are divided into subdivisions for originals and for replicas for an actual total of 34 choices for you. Similarly the Long-Range team has subdivisions for originals and replicas. Most team members shoot several events.
Q: Do you shoot as teams?
A: In short-range competitions, only individual matches are fired. Prior to each category of event the team captain selects the team makeup and those individual scores comprise the aggregate team totals.
In long-range competition, there are five individual events and three aggregates, and the same again in teams, in two categories, one for original and one for reproduction.
Q: What types of firearms are permitted?
A: Concerning short-range, there are numerous requirements for original and reproduction military rifles, flintlock long arms and pistols, free rifles, matchlock muskets and pistols, revolvers, etc. See the MLAIC rules section 4.7.
Shotguns may be original or reproduction free flintlock or percussion of any caliber. See MLAIC Rules, Section 5.1
Concerning long-range: See MLAIC rules Section 7.6, Firearms and Ammunition, for further details.
Original rifles are to be either original British long range match or military match rifles as in the style of those used at Wimbledon in the 1860’s and 1870’s, or those of that same era from other countries, suitable for long-range shooting. Reproduction rifles shall also be in the spirit of these original rifles. Reproduction rifles may be side lock or underhammer. No heavy, bench rest or modern in-line style rifles will be permitted even though they may be permitted in any other sanctioned national shooting contest.
Q: Can you modify arms to improve accuracy?
A: Original arms cannot and should not be modified. Replicas must exactly match an original pattern arm. Barrel-bedding is allowed but only with historic-style materials such as hide glue and sawdust. Glass bedding is not permitted. Only black or white sight paint is permitted.
Q: What type of gun powder is allowed?
A: Only factory-made black powder may be used. Any MLAIC Official may ask for a sample of powder from any competitor at any time which may later be sent for analysis.
It is not permitted to transport black powder on commercial airline flights. Therefore, competitors traveling from countries other than the host country must use powder supplied by the local organization. As Swiss powder is the only powder supplied for MLAIC matches overseas, you should practice with Swiss powder in all your firearms that will be used for International competition.
Q: What kinds of bullets are allowed?
- A: Bullets shall be of the style associated with the original firearm namely:
- Flintlock and matchlock arms – round ball only.
- Percussion rifled pistols – round ball only.
- Percussion revolvers – round ball or picket bullet.
- Percussion military rifles – original style (contemporary) military bullets.
- Percussion free rifles – round ball or any type of elongated bullet.
- No pre-rifled bullet may be used in a firearm that was not designed for use with such bullets.
Q: Are there different categories for seniors, men and women, juniors?
The Walkyrie match (prone, percussion rifles at 100 meters), is exclusively for women. Otherwise all adults (22 years and older) compete on an equal basis for official MLAIC awards purposes. To be classified a junior, the person must be between 13 and 21 years old. Juniors may compete in both junior and senior events.
Q – Can I use the same firearm for more than one match?
A: Yes, a single firearm can be used by the same person in multiple matches as long as the firearm meets the specific criteria of the match. Such as: a rifled Civil War era musket may be used in the Minie, Lamarmora and Vetterli events since the gun meets the guidelines for those events.
Q: Can firearms be shared to allow multiple people to shoot the same match?
A: A firearm may only be used once per competition unless it is being shared by a direct family member (husband, wife, father, mother, son, daughter, brother or sister, rule 4.7A a).
Q: Can I shoot an original and a reproduction in the same event.
A: No, You must declare which before entry into the event.
Q: Should Swiss powder be the only powder I use?
A: Yes, as Swiss powder is the only powder available overseas, you should practice with Swiss powder in all your firearms that will be used for International competition.
Q: What type of clothing is allowed while shooting a match?
A. MLAIC Rules, Section 7.8 Clothing:
a.) Shooting Jackets, a modern style shooting jacket is allowed.
b.) Shooting Glove, a modern style shooting glove is allowed on the hand supporting the rifle.
c.) Shooting Glasses, Correction glasses, and/or filters may be worn.
d.) A sling supporting hook or similar attachment to the shooting jacket is permitted; provided that it does not clamp the sling or otherwise prevent equal tension being applied to the sling attachments on the rifle.
Q: What are the rules concerning eye and ear protection?
A: MLAIC general safety regulations, Section 3.1, d), e) and l) The use of hearing protection and shooting spectacles or eye protection by competitors is mandatory.