USIMLT Long-Range Nationals 2020

Muzzle Loader Scores

300 YardsNameScore
1st Place Dave Gullo-USA95.3
2nd Place Laurie Kerr-NZ93
3rd Place Ray Hanson-USA92.1
500 YardsName Score
1st PlaceDave Gullo-USA 85.2
2nd Place John Stanton-UK80
3rd Place Laurie Kerr-NZ75
600 Yards Name Score
1st Place Dave Gullo-USA81.2
2nd Place Laurie Kerr-NZ79.2
3rd Place Ray Hanson-USA 76
Mid-Range Total Name Score
1st Place Dave Gullo-USA 267.1
2nd Place Laurie Kerr-NZ247.2
3rd Place Ray Hanson-USA 238.2
900 YardsName Score
1st Place Laurie Kerr-NZ126.1
2nd Place Dave Gullo-USA 121.1
3rd Place Ray Hanson-USA 119
1,000 Yards Name Score
1st Place Ray Hanson-USA 121
2nd Place Laurie Kerr-NZ117.1
3rd Place Dave Gullo-USA 95.1
Long-Range Aggregate Name Score
1st Place Laurie Kerr-NZ243.2
2nd Place Ray Hanson-USA 240
3rd Place Dave Gullo-USA 216.2
Grand AggregateName Score
Grand ChampionLaurie Kerr-NZ490.4
2nd PlaceRay Hanson-USA 478.2
3rd Place Dave Gullo-USA 477.9

The 2020 USIMLT Nationals could not have gone better. We had great attendance of 21 cartridge and muzzle loaders. Muzzle loaders shot the exact course of fire and rules of the MLAIC. Cartridge competitors shot the same course of fire under their rules. We had separate awards for cartridge and muzzle loader competitors. It was great seeing shooters competing together and all getting along extremely well as a group of black powder target rifle shooters competing in a sport they all love and enjoy.

The weather, in the 70’s and 80’s, was perfect with plenty of tricky winds.  These wind conditions are wonderful training in preparation for international shooting in our World Championships. We had three new muzzle-loader shooters, who are very accomplished cartridge-shooters, and now preparing to compete in Hungary in 2021 with the U.S. squad.

The Wickenburg High School Rifle Club pulled targets for us and did an excellent job. The pullers came to the 600 yard line at the end of the day and seven of our shooters coached them as they shot while the other shooters went to the pits and pulled targets for the youngsters.

Skip Burke was our target person again, doing a fantastic job as always, in addition to being our pit boss. We had no problems either on the line or in the pits. Cornelius “Cees” Kalfsvel from the Netherlands assisted me in directing and running the match on the line, and Jean Munch and Margo Hanson did a superb job collecting and recording the scores, checking the addition, and did all the preparation for the awards and luncheon.

“Cees” Kalfsvel, Jean Munch and Margo Hanson kept the match running smoothly.

We had shooters from New Zealand and Norway. Laurie Kerr from New Zealand (shooting in the recumbent position on his back), won the overall Grand Aggregate with a new .40 caliber rifle he built.

Ben Avery is a 5-star rated shooting complex and is the best range I have ever been on. Their staff bends over backwards to accommodate us. Our dates are confirmed for 2021—March 5-7.

Prior to our match, the AZWINS hosted a Creedmoor match with 27 competitors, and directly after our Nationals they hosted the 1,000 Yard World Championship. Eight days of continuous long-range black powder target rifle competition. The three matches combined make up The Triple Crown. The winner of the 2020 Triple Crown was Dave Gullo.

Ray Hanson and I were very pleased with how everything went and I contribute much of the success to Ray’s assistance as Deputy Team Captain.  My wife Arleen does the emails and computer work. I could not have been Captain without her help and support for all these years.

Sincerely yours,
Ed Decker, Past Captain USIMLT Long Range

Photo gallery of 2020 Nationals